Despite flaws, Ansip must win

Despite not being everybody’s favourite candidate, I think it is only sensible to wish to see Andrus Ansip to remain Prime Minster of Estonia. We are all aware that he and Reform pledged to double pensions (and have only managed to increase them by 50%) and of countless other “politicians promises” that he (and other parties made). Yet even with this, he is the only real choice to lead Estonia.

Number of days per Estonian PM

Nobody would have thought that Estonia would make one of the quickest recoveries in the Eurozone – in a world where all governments are cutting back on public services in order to save money, Estonis leads the way in deficit reduction and is in an enviable economic position. Ansip also steered Estonia’s economy towards meeting the criteria for entry to the Eurozone, making it the only baltic state thus far to do so. He has also led one of the most stable governments that the Baltic region has ever known, and has served more days than any other post-independence Prime Minister has. For all his faults, he is the obvious choice and I hope this is recognised tomorrow.

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1 Response to Despite flaws, Ansip must win

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